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Vol.38, No.8, 1103 ~ 1112, 2000
XPS Analysis of (NH4)2Sx-Treated AlGaAs Surface Using Synchrotron Radiation
류성욱Seong Wook Ryu,한상윤Sang Youn Han,장호원Ho Won Jang,최경진Kyung Jin Choi,김종규Jong Kyu Kim,이종람Jong Lam Lee,김기정Ki Jeong Kim,강태희Tai Hee Kang,김봉수Bong Soo Kim
Atomic bonding states of the surface of (NH₄)₂S_x-treated AlGaAs and their change with annealing temperature were investigated by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy. The surface of AlGaAs sample was passivated using (NH₄)₂S_x solution after the removal of native oxide by NH₄OH solution. This (NH₄)₄S_x passivation was effective in removing Ga-O and As-O bondings, and resulted in the formation of Ga-S, As-S and Al-S bondings. Sulfur atoms migrated from As and Ga to Al atoms when the sample was annealed in ultra-high vacuum. The valence band spectra for the (NH₄)₂S_x treated AlGaAs surface showed that the Fermi level shifted by 0.21 eV after annealing at 550℃. This resulted from the increase of Ga or Al vacancies which energy states located near the valence band maximum.
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