
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.38, No.4, 599 ~ 607, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Materials Processing : Effects of Deformation Parameters on the Formation of Inhomogeneous Cold Rolling Textures in Extra Low Carbon Steel Sheets
박노진No Jin Park,이문규Moon Kyu Lee,허무영Moo Young Huh
In order to investigate the formation of inhomogeneous cold rolling textures in extra low carbon steel sheets, rolling was performed by different deformation parameters. The center layer textures mainly consisted of the {hkl}$lt;110$gt; α-fiber and the {111}$lt;uvw$gt; γ-fiber. It was found that the evolution of the center layer textures was insensitive to rolling conditions. However, variations in rolling conditions gave rise to the pronounced through-thickness texture gradients. Dry cold rolling with a slow rolling speed led to the formation of the {011}$lt;100$gt; Goss-orientation at the surface layer. Applying a lower ratio of the sheet thickness to the contact length between roll and sample resulted in the strong {001}$lt;110$gt; in the α-fiber. The evolution of preferred orientations in the inhomogeneously cold rolled low carbon steel sheets was interpreted by simulations based on the full constraint and the relaxed constraint model. The through-thickness texture gradients in the inhomogeneously deformed samples can be explained in terms of strain states during cold rolling.
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