Pesearch Paper / Electronic , Magnetic & Optical Matrials : C-V Characteristic of PZT/ZT/Si Structure Using ZT Buffer Layer
박정호Jung Ho Park,박응철Eung Chul Park,이장식Jang Sik Lee,김찬수Chan Soo Kim,주승기Seung Ki Joo
A Pt/PZT/ZT/Si structure for transistor gate materials in metal/ferroelectric/insulator/semiconductor field-effect transistors(MFISFET) was fabricated and the electrical properties of the MFIS structure with various ZT thin film thickness were investigated. The ZT thin film was annealed at 800℃ for 1 hour under an oxygen atmosphere for crystallization. The perovskite PZT thin film was able to be crystallized on the ZT/Si substrate. The memory window widths of the C-V curves for the MFIS structure decreased with increasing ZT thin film thickness. The remanent polarization values of the MFIS structure were -0.1 μC/㎠ which were sufficient charge density required to induce the inversion layer at the Si surface.