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Vol.38, No.4, 547 ~ 552, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Surface Treatment : Magnetic Anodic Film on Aluminium : ( 1 ) Effect of Magnetic Field on the Electrodeposition of Ferromagnetic Metals
김성갑S . Kim,권해웅H . W . Kwon,정용수Y . Jeong
Magnetic field influences the electrodeposition of ferromagnetic metals into the pores of anodic film. In this study, the magnetic properties and morphology of the anodic film deposited with Fe or Co were examined, and a particular emphasis was placed on the effect of magnetic field on the crystallographic orientation of the deposited crystals. In the case of Fe-deposited anodic film the intrinsic coercivity was not influenced significantly by the magnetic field, and no preferred orientation of the deposited crystals was observed regardless of the application of magnetic field. On the other hand, the coercivity and the crystallographic orientation in Co-deposited film were significantly influenced by magnetic field. Co crystals in the film deposited even in absence of magnetic field showed preferred orientation to some extent, in which c-axis of the deposited Co crystals was more or less parallel to the electric field. This preferred orientation was further enhanced by the application of magnetic field, and his was closely related the enhancement of coercivity.
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