Phase transformation, microstructrual changes and interfacial reactions of Pt/Ti thin films were investigated using X-ray diffraction, Auger electron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Pt/Ti thin films were deposited on SiO₂/Si or SiN_x/Si substrates by a DC magnetron sputtering system. Specimens were annealed at various temperatures in oxygen ambient or vacuum. The as-deposited Pt/Ti thin films reveal well-defined interfaces, columnar structures of Pt, and a relatively smooth surface. Extensive interdiffusion was found during annealing in oxygen ambient. In the SiO₂ substrate, oxygen was diffused into the Pt/Ti layer from the free surface as well as from the SiO₂ side. Annealing ambient, annealing temperature and substrate strongly influenced the microstructual change in Pt/Ti thin films. |