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Vol.38, No.1, 180 ~ 187, 2000
Pesearch Paper / Welding & Joining : Effects of Cu - Additions on the Reaction Kinetics Between Sn - Based Solders and Cu Substrate
강대웅Dae Woong Kang,허주열Joo Youl Huh
We have investigated the effects of Cu additions to pure Sn and eutectic Sn-Pb solders on the morphology and growth kinetics of the intermetatllics (Cu_6Sn_5) and on the consumption rate of Cu substrate during isothermal reflow soldering. The consumption rate of Cu substrate could be reduced with increasing Cu content in both Sn and Sn-Pb solders up to the respective solubilities at reflow temperatures. The effect of Cu addition was more significant for the Sn solder which had a higher Cu solubility. The Cu addition also resulted in morphological changes of the intermetallic layer. With increasing Cu content, the interface between Cu_6Sn_5 layer and solder roughened for pure Sn solder whereas it flattened fur the eutectic Sn-Pb solder. When the time(t) dependence of the intermatallic layer thickness(X ̄) was modelled as X ̄ = a×t^n, the growth constant a appeared to increase with the Cu content whereas the growth exponent n decreased. It was shown that the growth kinetics of the intermetallic layer could be well interpreted by a model of grain boundary diffusion controlled growth.
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