Thermomechanical Analysis of Functionally Graded Multilayers for Optimal Structural Design
남대근 , 백광열 , 이승태 , 조경목 D . G . Nam , K . Y . Baek , H . T . Lee , K . M . Cho
Analytical study on the thermomechanical deformation behavior of multilayered structures was performed. The solutuions for thermal strain, curvature change and internal stresses in response of temperature variation are derived by recourse of plate theory. The theory accounts for the effects on the thermomechanical characteristics due to the thermal mismatch between the constitute layers. The results are used to develope performance diagrams which enable the identification of possible geometrical combinations and compositional gradients for the optimal themomechanical behavior of multilayers. The resultant analytical solutions could be utilized for the optimal design of multilayered structures including functionally graded materials (FGM`s). Aluminum/Stainless steel multilayer with and without compositional graded layer is used as a model system for the analysis of thermomechanical behavior.