
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.36, No.4, 515 ~ 523, 1998
Evolution of Through-Thickness Texture Inhomogeneity in Cold Rolled Low Carbon Steel Sheets
김종수 , 조용상 , 허무영 , 박용수 J . S . Kim , Y . S . Cho , M . Y . Huh , Yong Soo Park
The effect of friction on the development of the cold rolling texture in extra low carbon steel sheets was investigated using X-ray texture measurement. The through-thickness texture inhomogeneity was found to be dependent on the friction acting between rolls and the rolled sheet. The degree of the through-thickness inhomogeneity was higher in the specimen rolled without lubrication than that rolled with lubrication. Cold rolling without lubrication led to the formation of Goss-Orientation at the surface layer by shear deformation, whereas the typical cold rolling texture was obtained at the surface of the specimen rolled with lubrication. The evolution of the through-thickness texture inhomogeneity was successfully explained by variation of the friction induced shear component e13 in the roll gap.
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