Prediction of δ-Ferrite Distribution in Continuously Cast type 304 Stainless Steel Slabs by Diffusion Trasformation Analysis
김지준 , 김선구 김종완 J . Joo Kim , Sun K . Kim
Retained δ-ferrite in 304 stainless steel is known to prevent hot cracking during continuous casting. Excess content of retained 8-ferrite lowers the hot workability. So it is necessary to control the amount of retained E-ferrite in stainless steel. A numerical model based on coupled analysis of macro heat transfer and micro diffusion transformation has been developed in order to predict retained δ-ferrite in continuously cast 304 stainless steel slab. The finite difference technique for moving boundary problem has been formulated utilizing "Murray-Landis wariable-grid method". The reliability of numerical model is compared with the other results. The prediction of δ-ferrite content in CC type 304 stainless steel slabs shows good agreement between measured and predicted results. Effect of secondary cooling condition on the δ-ferrite has been also investigated.