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Vol.36, No.2, 279 ~ 284, 1998
Adsorption Behavior of Nickel Ion on Manganese Nodules
박경호 , 노범식 , 손정수 , 이재장 Kyung Ho Park , Beom Sik Roh , Jeong Soo Sohn , Jae Jang Lee
Manganese nodules have high porosity and specific surface area and comprised mainly of δ-MnO₂ which has excellent adsorption capacity for heavy metal ions. The principal purpose of this study is to examine the practical applicability on the removal of heavy metal ions from a waste water using the nodules as an adsorbent. The nickel adsorption capacities of the manganese nodule were 8.0㎎ Ni/g at solution pH 1.5 and 28.0㎎ Ni/g at pH 4.5, respectively. The adsorption of nickel ion was found to be an endothermic reaction and increased with temperature between 20 and 80℃ from 28.0㎎ Ni/g to 36.0㎎ Ni/g. The adsorption of nickel on the nodule powder increased with the decreasing particle size. The amount of nickel adsorbed on the nodule powder descreased with the increasing heat treatment temperature of the nodule powder (without heat treatment : 28.0㎎ Ni/g, with heat treatment at 500℃ 16.5㎎ Ni/g).
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