A Study on the Phases Formed during Solidification and Heat Treatment in A390 Alloy
이정무 , 강석봉 Jung Moo Lee , Suk Bong Kang
Phases formed during solidification and heat treatment were investigated through varying the solidification rate and quenching temperature in A390 alloy. The microstructural and compositional changes of phases were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDXA) system and compared with the results of cooling curves and DTA measurements. The results showed that the solidification behavior of A390 alloy is complicated and based on the results and the literature reported, possible reactions which occur during solidification were suggested. During heating the alloy no change of phases was observed up to 480℃ . Some phases begen to dissolve at 495℃ and above 510℃ a large amount of phases were remelted and new phases were formed.