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Vol.35, No.12, 1699 ~ 1710, 1997
A Study on the Texture and Plastic Anisotropy of Aluminum Alloys for Auto Body Application
고흥석 , 강석봉 , 김형욱 Hung Suk Ko , Suk Bong Kang , Hyoung Wook Kim
The texture and plastic anisotropy of three different aluminum alloys (Al-Cu, Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Si) for auto body panel materials has been studied. In order to improve the formability of aluminum alloys, it is necessary to optimize the texture which gives rise to plastic anisotropy. The anisotropic properties were characterized by determining the R-values, and then compared to that calculated from quantitative texture data. The formability tests were also performed to obtain forming limit diagram(FLD) by using the stretching machine. Lankford parameter(R) values were predicted by the continuum mechanics of textured polycrystals (CMTP) method, which were compared with experimental R-values. The sheet having a random texture and a high n value showed an improved formability.
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