
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.35, No.10, 1375 ~ 1380, 1997
Damping Properties of Al / NiTi Sintered Materials Using the NiTi Powders Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying
배승렬 , 차성수 , 남태현 , 안인섭 Sung Yeal Bae , Seoung Soo Cha , Tae Hyun Nam , In Shup Ahn
Damping properties of Al/NiTi sintered materials were studied. The mixtures of elemental powders(Ni-48.5-51.5at.% Ti) were mechanically alloyed(MA) by high energy ball mill. During the MA for 10 hours, amorphization and particles refinement were formed. MA powders of amorphous phase were crystallized to martensite(B19` ) and austenite(B2) after heat treating for 1 hour at the temperature of 850℃. Heat treated powders were mixtured with aluminum powders by ball milling, and swaged at room temperature and hot rolled at 450℃. Damping properties of Al/NiTi sintered materials measured with cantilever beam method. The damping capacity of Al-20vol% NiTi was increased with Ti amount of NiTi intermetallic compounds and was related with the amounts of B19′. No effect of interphase on the damping properties was obtained.
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