The sulfur reaction between the CaO-MgO-Fe₁O-SiO₂-MnO-∑M_xO_y, slags saturated with MgO and molten iron was investigated by changing the MnO content from 2 to 30mass% in the temperature range of 1823K to 1973K. The sulfur distribution was analyzed in terms of the slag composition and temperature. The results obtained are as follows; 1) The sulfur distribution ratio increases with the increase in B≡(CaO+MgO+MnO)/(SiO₂+P₂O_5+Al₂O₃,+TiO₂) as well as the decrease in temperature. Although iron oxide decreases the sulfur distribution ratio when B is 3.5 and above, it behaves reversely below 3.5. Following equations are obtained by analyzing the effect of slag compositions and temperature influencing the sulfur distribution ratio. 2) Upon many trials for analysing various sulfide capacities, the capacity has no relation with the temperature, and has following relations with the slag composition. |