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Vol.35, No.7, 887 ~ 895, 1997
The Effect of microstructure on the Mechanical Properties of Composie
배진호 , 오규환 Jin Ho Bae , Kyu Hwan Oh
The deformation characteristics of composite were studied numerically to investigate the dependence of tensile properties on the size, shape, distribution and volume fraction of the second phase. The overall response of the composite with various microstructure were computed using finite element models under plane strain condition. The development of triaxial stress within the matrix due to the strain compatibility provides an important contribution to strengthening and the distribution of second phases has influence on the yield stress, transition strain. The effect of aspect ratio of unit cell and second phase were studied. At spherical second phase, the composite has maximum yield strength and minimum transition strain at aspect ratio of unit cell of 1. At cylindrical second phase, with increasing aspect ration of unit cell, yield strength increases and transition strain decreases.
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