
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.35, No.5, 608 ~ 616, 1997
Fabrication and Characteristics of Al-3wt%Mg/Al2O3p Composite by Pressureless Infiltration Method
이건배 , 김기욱 , 허성우 , 조수연 , 권훈 K . B . Lee , K . W . Kim , S . W . Heo , S . Y . Chou , H . Kwon
Al-3wt%Mg/Al₂O_(3p) composite fabricated by pressureless infiltration method was investigated in terms of the infiltration behavior of molten metal, mechanical properties and interfacial reaction products. A direct addition of Mg powder to the bed of Al₂O₃ and Al powder mixture made the spontaneous infiltration of molten Al-3Mg alloy occur at a relatively lower temperature 700℃, compared with using the bed without Mg particulates. Tensile and yield strength and elongation tend to decrease with increasing infiltration temperature while the infiltration time had little effect on tensile properties. Both strength and ductility of the hot-rolled composite increased even in a relatively low reduction of 20% as compared to the as-fabricated composite. Also, the solution treatment greatly improved the ductility in both as-fabricated and hot -rolled conditions. MgAl₂O₄, was formed at interfaces as a reasult of interfacial reaction. In addition, AlN was formed in the matrix by in-situ reaction of molten Al alloy and nitrogen.
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