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Vol.35, No.2, 211 ~ 216, 1997
Research Paper - Mechanical Behavior : Evaluation of Impact Absorption Energies of Extruded Aluminum Tubing for Space Frame
김동국Dong Kuk Kim, 이성학Sung Hak Lee, 이명호Meung Ho Rhee, 김승보Seung Bo Kim
The compressive deformation behavior under dynamic loading was investigated using a high performance servo-hydraulic machine in order to evaluate experimentally impact absorption energies of extruded aluminum tubing for space frame. Dynamic compression tests were conducted for three extruded aluminum tubing whose thicknesses were 1.5 ㎜, 2.0 ㎜, and 3.0 ㎜, and then the test data were compared via observation of deformation mode. The results indicated that the dynamic deformation behavior correlated well with load-displacement curve data, i.e., the number of peaks formed by the compression-resistant force matched with the number of plastic hinges formed during compression. In the tubing with thickness of 3.0 ㎜, the number of plastic hinges decreased, and bending occurred seriously. This leaded to drop in impact absorption energies per unit cross-sectional area since energies could not be absorbed effectively upon bending. These findings suggested that in order to improve impact absorption energies of the extruded aluminum tubing for space frame, their thickness less than 3.0 ㎜ and the design of their cross-section for promoting folding instead of bending were recommended.
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