Research Paper - Environment : The Effect of the Zr Addition on the Oxidation Behavior of Fe - Aluminide Intermetallic Compounds
최송천S . C . Choi, 김승호S . H . Kim, 이동복D . B . Lee, 박현순H . S . Park
The oxidation behaviors of Fe₃Al+2.0Cr+0.04B and Fe₃Al+1.87Cr+0.04B+0.14Zr(at.%) alloys were studied in 1 atm of air at 800, 1000 and 1200℃. Though the isothermal oxidation behavior of these alloys was relatively similar, the Zr-added alloy displayed better cyclic oxidation behavior with negligible scale spallations compared with the Zr-free alloy, especially at temperatures above 1000℃. The effects of Zr are (i) to improve the adherence of protective layer of Al₂O₃ scale by mechanically keying the scale, (ii) to facilitate the rapid formation of the scale by providing heterogeneous nucleation sites, (iii) to act as a vacancy sink by vacancy accomodation and (iv) to relieve the growth stress by decreasing Al^(3-) counter diffusion and by preventing the formation of new oxides within the pre-existing oxide.