The oxidation behaviors of Fe₃Al+2.13Cr, Fe₃Al-0.04B+2.0Cr, Fe₃Al+0.04B+4.68Cr(at.%) alloys were studied in 1 atm of air at 800, 1000 and 1200℃. All the alloys tested exhibited excellent oxidation resistance in both isothermal and cyclic tests at 800℃. In isothermal tests, Fe₃Al+4.68Cr+0.04B alloy exhibited the best oxidation resistance regardless of the testing temperatures. In cyclic tests, this alloy also showed superior oxidation resistance below 1000℃, though less-resistant at 1200℃. At 1200℃, all the alloys showed severe spallations, the amount of which being increasing in the order of Fe₃Al+2.13Cr, Fe₃Al+4.68Cr-0.04B and Fe₃Al+2.0Cr+0.04B. Generally, the effect of B was found to increase the isothermal-oxidation resistance but found to decrease the cyclic-oxidation resistance. The beneficial effect of Cr on the improvment of both isothermal and cyclic oxidation resistances was observed. |