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Vol.35, No.1, 104 ~ 112, 1997
Research Paper - Composite Materials : Fracture Mechanism of Al - Ni Composite Piston Rings Fabricated by Squeeze Casting Method
이성학Sung Hak Lee, 추성훈Seong Hun Choo, 이명호Meung Ho Rhee
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of microstructure on the fracture behavior in two Al-Ni composite piston rings fabricated by squeeze casting method. Microstructural observation and insitu SEM fracture test were conducted on the composites to identify the microfracture processes. Detailed microstructural analyses showed that the reinforcing Ni contained an amount of Ni₃Al and NiAl phases near the Ni/Al interfacial region, which enhance the overall hardness of the composites. It was also found from in-situ observations of crack initiation and propagation that the interfacial debonding occurred at the Ni/Al interface in the early loading stage, providing an easy crack propagation path. In order to improve mechanical properties of the composite piston rings, thus, the improvement of interfacial properties by applying a new coating method is suggested.
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