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Vol.35, No.1, 72 ~ 80, 1997
Research Paper - Mechanical Working : Effect of Centerline Segregation on the Necking of P added Extra Low Carbon Steel Sheet
백승철Seung Chul Baik, 김성주Sung Ju Kim, 김기주Ki Soo Kim, 정우창Woo Chang Jeong, 장삼규Sam Kyu Chang
The influence of centerline segregation on the necking behaviour was examined. P added extra low carbon steel sheet contained centerline segregation zones, which were made in the continuous casting process and elongated in the rolling process. The centerline segregation zone was in high concentration of solution so that the deformation behaviour of centerline segregation was different from that of matrix. The difference of deformation made surface rough and accelerated necking. The necking occurred parallel to the rolling direction because of the centerline segregation zone when the P added extra low carbon steel sheets were stretched axisymmetrically.
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