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Vol.34, No.12, 1550 ~ 1558, 1996
Research Paper - Transformations - : A Study on the Deformation Induced Martensitic Transformation of 304 Stainless Steel
신홍철Hong Chul Shin, 하태권Tae Kwon Ha, 장영원Young Won Chang
The deformation induced martensitic transformation phenomena in 304 stainless steel have been investigated in this study in relation to the inelastic deformation theory. A new kinetics equation for deformation induced martensitic transformation has been formulated based on the inelastic deformation theory as f/f_s=1-exp(-βεⁿ) with the parameter β characterizing the stability of austenite, n denoting a deformation mode parameter, and f_s the saturation value of transformed martensites. The value of n was determined as n = 2.2 for this steel, while the stability parameter β was found to be inversely proportional to the test temperature. Consequently the M_d temperature, above which martensitic transformation can not occur regardless. of the amount of plastic deformation, can be determined indirectly as the temperature with β=0. The true stress-true strain curves at lower temperatures showed low work hardening rate region followed by rapid increase in work hardening rate, while the curves at near room temperature showed a continuously decreasing low work hardening rate. As the test temperature increased, the maximum transformation rate (df/dε) decreased, but the inelastic strain Corresponding to the peak transformation rate increased resulting in a substantial ductility enhancement.
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