
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.26, No.3, 197 ~ 202, 1988
윤 풍Poong Yoon, 윤대호Dae Ho Yoon
Silicon single crystals were grown in argon atmosphere by a floating zone method with RF heating, which is free of contamination from the crucible wall. A slim rod puller was used to prepare round-shaped Si bars for growing crystals. Dimensions of crystals grown by these experiments are 15 ㎝ in length and 8㎜ in diameter. Defects such as twins and dislocations were observed on crystals grown in the low temperature region of the melt zone. These defects are considered due to nonuniform melt convection which might be caused by the increase of the surface tension at the solid-liquid interface.
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