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Vol.34, No.7, 896 ~ 902, 1996
Research Paper - Powder Metallurgy - : An Analysis of Mechanical Alloying Process of Vibratory Ball Milling by Model Simulation
박용호Y . H . Park, 정해용H . Y . Jeong, 이병우B . W . Lee, 김성규S . K . Kim, 김우열W . Y . Kim, 배차헌C . H . Bae
The motion of each milling ball during vibratory ball milling of metal powder was simulated by a computer using one-, two-and three-dimensional models of a vibratory ball mill In these models, the consumption of impact energy of the balls by the micro-compaction of metal powder particles during impact was assumed to be equivalent to the energy loss by an imaginary viscosity given to the balls and mill container. As a result of the simulation by using the three models, it was found that the motion of the milling balls is strongly dependent on the ball charge fraction. With an increase in the ball charge, the impact frequency increased, while an avarage of impact velocity normal to each contact surface decreased. The impact velocity or the impact energy obtained by the simulation was related to the microhardness, crystallite size and lattice strain of the powder particles which were mechanically alloyed by vibratory mill.
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