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Vol.34, No.10, 1332 ~ 1338, 1996
Research Paper - Mechanical Behavior - : Effects of Parallel Bonding on Damping Properties of Fe - 5%Al and Fe - 28%Mn Alloys
강경하Kyong Ha Kang, 이규환Kyu Hwan Lee, 신명철Myung Chul Shin, 최종술Chong Sool Choi
The changes in the damping properties of the Fe-5%Al and Fe-28%Mn alloys have been studied when they are bonded in parallel. When they are not bonded, the specific damping capacities (SDC) of the Fe-5%Al and Fe-28%Mn alloys have been found to be higher than 40% at a strain of 0.05% and more than 10% over 0.05% strain, respectively. In the case of Fe-5%Al alloy surface strain and applied magnetic field decrease the damping property to some extent. As the bonding volume ratio of Fe-5%Al to Fe-28%Mn was varied from 1:1 to 3:1, the tendency of measured SDC vs strain curves follows the theory for composite alloys at all three volume ratios. So the bonded alloy shows damping properties of both Fe-5%Al and Fe-28%Mn alloys.
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