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Vol.34, No.8, 1074 ~ 1082, 1996
Research Paper - Composite Materials - : Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Al - SiCp Composites Processed by Vacuum Compo - Casting Method
김우상Woo Sang Kim, 정동섭Dong Sub Chung, 이성학Sung Hak Lee
The main objective of this study is to establish vacuum compo-casting fabrication processes for A356 Al composites reinforced with 15 volume percent SiC particulates. In order to cast the Al-SiC_p composite ingots. a vacuum compo-caster was set up, and casting and stirring variables were optimized. Using the stirring temperature of 610℃ under vacuum of 10^(-2) torr, good quality Al-SiC_p composite ingots having relatively homogeneous microstructure and sound Al/SiC interfacial bonding were obtained, although they contained small amount of micro-pores. The microstructures and mechanical properties of the composites were found to be comparable with those of the conventional composites processed by Duralcan. To process the better composite ingots, elimination of micro-pores, uniform distribution of reinforcements, and optimization of processing variables are suggested.
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