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Vol.34, No.8, 1056 ~ 1061, 1996
Research Paper - Surface Treatment - : Study on the Etching Characteristics of Ni3Al Grains using Electron Channeling Pattern
이재현Je Hyun Lee, 박장식Jang Sik Park, 최승주Seung Joo Choe
Etching characteristics of Ni₃Al grams was found to depend heavily upon their crystallographic orientation. A selected area electron channeling pattern (SACP) study in the scanning electron microscope has shown that upon etching, grains oriented near <001> appear light, while those oriented near <111> appear dark with a gradual change in gray level for grains of intermediate orientations. The secondary electron images takers from the etched surface have shown that the <111> grains contain many fine pyramidal protrusions, while the <001> grains appear smooth with no such protrusions. The SACP technique has established that the 3 faces of the protruding pyramid consist of {001} planes.
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