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Vol.34, No.7, 805 ~ 813, 1996
Research Paper - Mechanical Behavior - : Secondary Hardening and Fracture Behavior in Mo , W and MoW Steels
이건배Kon Bae Lee, 양형렬Heong Ryeal Yang, 권훈Hoon Kwon
In the 4Mo, 6W and 2Mo-3W steels the secondary hardening and fracture behaviors were studied. The alloying elements in these steels contributed to the secondary hardening by forming the fine carbides of the M₂C type. Mo had a strong effect on secondary hardening while W had a very weak effect on it but delayed the overaging. The MoW steel exhibited both the moderately strong hardening by the Mo-addition and considerable resistance to overaging by the W-addition. However, severe intergranular embrittlement for the Mo and MoW steels and the reduction in upper shelf energy for the W steel were observed in spite of thee decrease in hardness during overaging.
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