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Vol.34, No.3, 337 ~ 342, 1996
Research Paper - Mechanical Behavior - : A Study on the Damping Characteristics of Steel - Zinc Alloy Composite Sheets
박희석Hee Seok Park, 김종연Jong Yeon Kim, 나형용Hyung Yong Ra
Recently clad(sandwich) type composite sheets are getting attention because they have good mechanical and vibration damping characteristics. The purpose of this work is manufacturing sandwich type composite sheet which has good vibration damping capacity at high temperature. In composite sheet, Zn-22wt%Al alloy (Superplastic Zinc, SPZ) was selected as a damping material because its Specific Damping Capacity(SDC) was good at high temperature. SPZ and steel sheet were rolled to make a sandwich type composite sheet for studing the variation of SDC with the volume fraction of SPZ and the damping test temperature. The SDC of steel-SPZ-steel composite sheet increases with increasing the volume fraction of SPZ. With increasing temperature, SDC also increases. Especially, in the case of the volume fraction of SPZ is 75%, SDC is 5.2% at room temperature but 13.5% at 130℃. And we can predict the SDC from the elastic strain energy of both steel and SPZ.
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