Research Paper - Welding & Joining - : Densification of WC - TiC Compound with Ni as Binding Metal
공명호Myeong Ho Kong, 황선근Sun Keun Hwang, 박원구Won Koo Park, 이억섭Ouk Sub Lee, 김병기Byung Kee Kim
Complex tungsten carbides of fine grain sire and Ni as a binding metal were developed with TiC and SiC as additives. The process to produce cemented carbides based on (W-Si-Ti)C-10wt.%Ni consisted of mixing W and TiC powders with liquid glass(SiO₂) and carbon powder and carburizing at 1500∼1550℃ to form SiC coating, adding 10wt.% of Ni powders and sintering. As a result, we obtained a fine grain size in the range of 0.4∼1.0 ㎛, a high micro-Vickers hardness of 1830 ㎏/㎟ and a relative density higher than 97%. TiC appeared to retard grain growth and enhance hardness by forming (W, Ti)C and Ni₃Ti. This was evidenced by the morphological features of (W, Ti)C and WC phases as well as the distribution characteristics of the elements observed by electron microscopy.