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Vol.34, No.2, 207 ~ 216, 1996
Research Paper - Mechanical Behavior - : Effect of ( Ti + Nb ) Stabilization on the Formability of STS 436L Ferritic Stainless Steel
류도열Do Yeal Ryoo, 박수호Soo Ho Park, 박미남Mi Nam Park
The effects of alloying elements(Ti, Nb and Ti+Nb) on the formability, mechanical and ridging properties of low C, N-18.5%Cr-1wt%Mo ferritic stainless steels have been investigated. The formability and ridging properties of cold rolled and annealed steels were effectively improved by addition of Ti and Nb together, 0.05∼0.1 wt% Ti and 0.2 ∼0.3% wt% Nb. The larger the amount of the Nb addition, the better results were achieved. The average r-value of the steel was the largest with the addition of (Ti+Nb) in the range of (Ti+Nb)/(C+N)=12∼20.
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