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Vol.34, No.1, 52 ~ 60, 1996
Influence of B on the Strength and Toughness of Low - Carbon Type Ti - B Containing Steels (1) ( Strength and Toughness of Base Metal )
방국수Kook Soo Bang, 안영호Young Ho Ann
Based on the thermodynamic model between TiN-BN-AlN in austenite, the effect of the boron content of direct-quenched low-carbon type Ti-B containing steels on the tensile strength and impact toughness was investigated. Variation of tensile strength showed a good relationship with the calculated soluble boron content at the start cooling temperature, showing that the thermodynamic model was applicable to the prediction of the hardenability of direct-quenched Ti-B containing steels. Impact toughness was varied form 20J to 250J at -40℃, depending on microstructure which was determined by the soluble boron content and the cooling rate. The highest absorbed energy of 200∼250J was obtained at martensite and lower-bainite mixed microstructure, followed by 100∼200J at ferrite and bainite mixed microstructure and 20∼40J at bainite with martensite-austenite constituent microstructure.
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