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Vol.33, No.11, 1528 ~ 1537, 1995
Observation of Adiabatic Shear Bands Formed by High Speed Impact in a Tungsten Heavy Alloy Penetrator
김동국Dong Kuk Kim, 이성학Sung Hak Lee, 노준웅Joon Woong Noh
The objective of the present study is to investigate the adiabatic shear banding behavior in a tungsten heavy alloy penetrator. The penetrator was highly deformed at high strain rate by high speed impact, and after the high speed impact testing, metallurgical observation of the impacted penetrator specimen was conducted using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Heavily elongated tungsten grains and reaction products such as tungsten oxides were observed on the specimen surface presumably due to the local temperature rise occurring during high speed impact. A few adiabatic shear bands including elongated tungsten grains were observed in the regions near the surface cracks, and their width was wide in comparison to the shear band in armor plates. The cracks had trends to propagate along the shear bands, but sometimes changed their propagation path along the interfaces between adhering tungsten grains. These findings suggested that the minimization of the interfacial area of tungsten grains was required in order to improve the penetration performance of the tungsten heavy alloy.
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