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Vol.33, No.11, 1492 ~ 1501, 1995
Coating of Al2O3 Thick Film in the Steel Pipe Using Thermit Process
정중채Joong Choi Jung, 이종현Jong Hyeon Lee, 고석권Suk Kwon Ko, 원창환Chang Whan Won
Al₂O₃ thick film was deposited into the steel pipe to increase the mechanical properties by thermit process. Al₂O₃ film was formed by exothermic reaction of Fe₃O₄ and Al powder. The porosity and the thickness of Al₂O₃ thick film were increased with increasing the Al₂O₃ content. However, the hardness of film is decreased with increasing the Al₂O₃ content as a heat adsorbent. Resulted in increasing of the thickness and the microhardness of the specimen. The increased compaction pressure of the forming.
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