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Vol.33, No.11, 1438 ~ 1445, 1995
Behavior of Lead and Impurities in QSL Lead Smelting
이용학Yong Hack Lee, 최창영Chang Young Choi
The new lead plant based on the QSL technology has commissioned at Onsan Refinery of the Korea Zine Co., Ltd. in May 1992. After the start-up of QSL plant, it turned out to be capable of treating various ranges of raw materials within a relatively short period of time. In this paper, the distribution behavior of lead, arsenic, bismuth, copper and zinc in QSL reactor is discussed with thermodynamic evaluation. Major parameters to control the operation the QSL reactor, separated by oxidation and reduction zones, are the oxygen potential in the oxidation zone and the ratio of CO/CO₂ in the reduction zone respectively.
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