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Vol.33, No.9, 1257 ~ 1266, 1995
Effect of Strain and Strain Rate on the Mechanical Properties of Fe - 20%Mn Martensitic Alloy
박홍래 , 송영범 , 김원백 , 최종술 Hong Lae Park , Young Beum Song , Won Baek Kim , Chong Sool Choi
The effects of compressive strain and strain rate on the strain-induced martensitic transformation and mechanical properties of Fe-20%Mn alloy were investigated. At low strain rates of 2×10^(-3)/sec and 2x10^(-1)/sec, the amounts of ε and α′ martensite increased with strain at the expense of γ. The increase was the largest at low strains up to 8%. At the highest strain rate of 6x10³/sec, the amount of retained γ increased due probably to the stabilization of γ by adiabatic heating during testing. The alloy showed high strain hardening especially in low strain range where most of the strain induced transformation occurred. The strain rate did not have an effect on strength when strain rates were low. When the strain rate increased to 6×10³/sec, the true stress increased at all strain levels. However, high strain rate did not increase the hardness. It seems that during a dynamic compression test an additional strengthening mechanism may work to increase the true stress. We believe that the dislocation drag effect may be responsible far the increase in stress during the high-rate compression test.
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