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Vol.33, No.9, 1219 ~ 1227, 1995
Effect of Frequency on Alternating Current Electrochemical Etching in Hydrochloric Acid Electrolytes
정재한 , 김성수 , 김현기 , 최창희 , 이동녕 Jae Han Jeong , Sung Su Kim , Hyun Gi Kim , Chang Hee Choi , Dong Nyung Lee
A study has been made of the effects of frequency and bath temperature on the pit size, structure of 99.98% aluminum foil AC etched in 1.5M HCl solution and its capacitance after anodization. The maximum capacitance was obtained at a certain frequency value, f_M, which was shifted to a higher value with increasing bath temperature. Below f_M, the foils were macro-thinned, resulted in low capacitane, and above f_M, they showed very irregular etched morphology. The etch pit size decreased with increasing etching frequency. The frequency effect could be explained using galvanodynamic voltammetry polarization curves.
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