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Vol.33, No.9, 1160 ~ 1170, 1995
Densification of the AlNix Intermaetallic Compounds by HPCS ( High Pressure Self Combustion Sintering ) Process
정중채Joong Chai Jung, 주성민Sung Min Joo, 이종현Jong Hyeon Lee, 고석권Suk Kwon Ko, 원창환Chang Whan Won
AlNi_x intermetallic compounds have many advantages when it is utilized for high-temperature, it is characteristic of high yield stress reciprocal of the temperature, stress ratio, good oxidation-resistance wear resistance, and high-creep resistance. Currently, a lot of manufacturing skills of direct-sintered materials by HPCS process have been developed. When the direct-sintered material is manufactured by HPCS process, the factors that affect the densfication of it are preheating temperature and pressure. Therefore the higher the preheating temperature and the pressure, the more densified the specimen. It is found that the porosity and specific wear of sample produced were decreased and grain size and micro hardness of sample were increased with increasing preheating temperature.
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