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Vol.33, No.8, 1110 ~ 1117, 1995
A Study on the Creep Cavitation of Cold Deformed Incoloy 800H
안용식 , 배차헌 Yong Sik Ahn , Cha Hurn Bae
The creep properties and intergranualr cavitation have been investigated on the Incoloy 800H cold pre-deformed and subsequently crept at 800℃. The material was plastically deformed in tension or compression at room temperature. Creep specimens were machined with the specimen loading axis either transverse or parallel to the direction of cold deformation. The pre-deformed specimens had significantly higher cavity density and showed lower creep rate and lower creep strain than unpredeformed specimens. This effect was observed even after 2% pre-deformation and became more pronounced with increasing the amount of pre-deformation. Metallographic investigations show that cold deformation induces the microcracks, i.e the decohesions at carbide/matrix interfaces, which grow into cavities at elevated temperatures driven by internal tensile stresses which can be reinforced by external loads.
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