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Vol.33, No.8, 1069 ~ 1075, 1995
Production and Properties of Al - Ni - Ce - Mg system Amorphous Alloy by Gas Atomization Process
배차헌 , 정해용 , 하촌능인 河村能人 , 정상명구 井上明久 Cha Hurn Bae , Hae Yong Jeong , Yoshihito Kawamura , Akihisa Inoue
The optimum composition of Al-Ni-Ce-Mg alloys forming the amorphous and amorphous plus fcc-Al phase was investigated by the measurement of both hardness, maximum bending strain at fracture(ε_(Bf)), Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC) and X-ray diffraction for the as-quenched ribbons produced by melt-spinning. As a results, the alloy ribbon with optimum composition and a mixed phase was Al_(86)Ni_6Ce₄Mg₄. Al_(86)Ni_6Ce₄Mg₄ bulk alloy was produced by extrusion at different temperature of the rapidly solidified powders produced by helium gas atomization. The tensile strength and elongation at room temperature for Al_(86)Ni_6Ce₄Mg₄ bulk alloy extruded at 450℃ were 750MPa and 7.5%, respectively.
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