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Vol.33, No.8, 1040 ~ 1050, 1995
A Study on the Dephosphorization Equilibrium of Molten Steel Containing Chromium (1) ( Saturated Solubility of Cr2O3 , Solubility & Distribution Ratio of Oxygen )
임성규Sung Kyu Ihm, 김영홍Young Hong Kim, 이광학Kwang Hak Lee
This study has been carried out to investigate for the dephosphorization equilibrium between Cao-SiO₂-CaF₂, CaO-Na₂O-SiO₂-CaF₂ stags and molten steel containing chromium in the temperature range of 1550℃∼1600℃. The results obtained from the experiment are as follows. The solubility of Cr₂O₃ is shown to be increased by increasing MgO content due to the MgO·Cr₂O₃ formation regardless of basicity in the slags. The solubility of oxygen in the CaO-SiO₂-CaF₂ slags system is decreased in low [Cr] region, increased with increasing [Cr] content. The solubility of oxygen in the CaO-Na₂O-SiO₂-CaF₂ slags system is about 250 to 450ppm in low [Cr] region and 250 to 400ppm in high [Cr] region. The observed values of L_o are in fairly well agreement with the theoretical values calculated.
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