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Vol.33, No.8, 1036 ~ 1040, 1995
Experimental Comparision Between Shear , Tension , and Bending Strengths of Ceramic / Metal Joints
이우천 Woo Chun Lee
The experiments were carried out in order to provide the statisitical data with strength evaluation methods : shear, tension, and three - and four - point bending tests of Si₃N₄/Inconel 600 alloy joints. Average strength values of shear, tension, and three - and four - point bending were 178, 233, 321, and 344 MPa, respectively. In the viewpoint of Weibull moduli, tension and three - point bending tests showed smaller strength scattering than shear and four - point bending test. Differently from the monolithic ceramic, the average strength of Si₃N₄/Inconel 600 alloy joints decreased as the effective volue of test specimen increased.
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