Transformation behaviours of solution treated and thermo-mechanically treated Ti-45Ni-5Pd(at%) and Ti-38Ni-12Pd(at%) alloys have been investigated by means of electrical resistivity measurements and X-ray diffraction. The solation treated Ti-45Ni-5Pd alloy transformed in one stage, i.e., B2↔B19`, whereas the thermo-mechanically treated one in two stages, i.e., B2↔R↔B19`. In Ti-38Ni-12Pd alloy, however, transformation behaviour was not changed by the thermo-mechanical treatments. That is, both the solution teated and thermo-mechanically treated Ti-38Ni-12Pd alloy specimens transformed from B2 to B19. The martensitic transformation start temperature of Ti-Ni-Pd alloys decreased largely by applying thermo-mechanical treatments to solution treated ones. |