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Vol.33, No.4, 538 ~ 544, 1995
Effect of Post - Homogenization Cooling Methods on the Tensile Properties of a Strip Cast 8xxx Series Al Alloy
문인기I . G . Moon, 장준연J . Y . Chang, 김희주H . S . Kim, 박종우J . W . Park, 고흥석H . S . Ko, 김종각J . G . Kim
The effects of post-homogenization cooling methods, viz. air cooling and furnace cooling, on the tensile properties of a strip cast 8xxx series Al alloy have been investigated in this study. Furnace cooling, compared to air cooling, resulted in faster softening behavior during annealing at the temperature range below 300℃, although little difference was observed above 300℃. This difference in softening behavior at lower temperature range was attributed to the difference in recrystallization temperatures in the two specimens. Furnace cooled specimen contained more dynamically recovered structure at cold rolled state than the air cooled specimen. Possible reasons for this difference in cold worked structures and recrystallization temperatures depending on the cooling methods were discussed in terms of solute and precipitate distribution.
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