The Flattening Behaviour of Polycrystalline Diamond Film by High - Temperature Reaction with Metals
이욱성Wook Seong Lee, 백영준Young Joon Baik, 은광용Kwang Yong Eun, 손희식Hee Sik Sohn, 이종수Jong Soo Lee
The surface of the polycrystalline diamond film has been flattened by the reaction with thick plate or powder of Mn and Fe at 900∼1000℃ for 0.5∼20 hours in hydrogen atmosphere. The effect of the shape and kind of the metals on the flattening process has been investigated in the perspective of the macroscopic flatness and the microscopic roughness. The macroscopically flat surface could not be obtained by Mn powder and Fe powder. In contrast. treatment with thick Fe plate gave macroscopically flat surface. However, ribbon-shaped protrusions were formed on the diamond surface flattened with Fe plate. It was due to the severe grain boundary grooving on the Fe plate surface developed during the huh-temperature reaction with diamond. The protrusion could be drastically reduced by using fine-grained sintered body of Fe. This phenomenon was interpretated in terms of a simple geometrical change involving the dihedral angle of the grainboundary groove and the grain size of the Fe plate. The microscopic roughness increased in the following order: mirror polished Fe plate, Mn powder or Mn flake, mirror-polished sintered body of Fe and Fe powder.