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Vol.33, No.2, 235 ~ 242, 1995
Nanocrystallization and Ultra - High Strength in Al88Ni10Nd2 Amorphous Alloy
최갑송Gab Song Choi, 김영환Yeong Hwan Kim, 조현기Hyun Kee Cho
An amorhous Al_(88)Ni_(10)Nd₂ alloy was examined for its structure, thermal stability and mechanical properties at temperatures above precipitation onset temperature(Tx₁) of Al phase. The precipitates obtained were Al particles with grain diameter of about lO㎚. Tx₁ monotonously increases with increasing ageing temperature(T_a). This fact indicates an enhanced thermal stability of amorphous phase. The volume fraction of Al phase(V_f) increases with an increase of T_a, and reached a saturation value of 32% at 525K. The mixed phase alloy with V_f=18% exhibits an ultra-high tensile stength(σ_f) of 1980MPa which is about 1.6 times higher than that of the amorphous single phase alloy. A crystallization -induced plasticity was observed for an amorphous single phase or mixed phase Al_(88)Ni_(10)Nd₂ alloy. The mixed phase Al_(88)Ni_(10)Nd₂ alloy was found to exhibit considerably high value of tensile strength(σ_B) above 1000MPa in the temperature range from room temperature to 600K. On the other hand, σ_B for the mixed phase alloy was found to preserve valuees higher than that of an amorphous single phase alloy within this temperature range.
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