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Vol.33, No.2, 200 ~ 207, 1995
A Compositional Design with the Microstructure for SUS / PSZ and SUS / Si3N4 Functionally Gradient Materials
백운학 , 이승호 , 설경원 , 우기도 Woon Hag Baek , Seung Ho Lee , Kyeong Won Seol , Kee Do Woo
Functionally gradient materials(FGM) are hybrids of two dimensional materials in which effective properties change gradually over a macroscopic distance. On the basis of this construction of materials the optimum composition profile was proposed to reduce thermal stress for two kinds of ceramic-metal assemblages. The effective properties and thermal stresses were calculated by numerical method assuming spherical ceramic particles were embeded in the metal matrix. Tensile thermal stresses were greatly reduced in the ceramic-to-metal transition zone and the stress distribution was changed with the composition profile and the dimension of transition zone.
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