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Vol.33, No.2, 192 ~ 200, 1995
The Effect of Substrate Materials on The Growth of Diamond in Hot Filament CVD
박범수B . S . Park, 백영준Y . J . Baik, 은광남K . Y . Eun, 김도훈T . H . Kim
The Effect of substrate materials on diamond deposition behavior was investigated by hot filament CVD method. The growth rates of diamond particles on Cu, W, Mo, Ti, Si, SiC, Si₃N₄ and Al₂O₃ substrates are identical under a given deposition condition. On the other hand, for Cr, Fe, Co and Ni substrates, the shape and growth rate of diamond were observed to be dependent on the substrate materials. Furthermore, the deposition behavior is different from those of above-mentioned series of substrate. The substrate atom is detected on the surface of diamond particles in the case of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni. This result is inconsistent with the previous reports that the growth rate is dependent on the substrate materials as Cu, W, Mo, Ti, Si, SiC, Si₃N₄ and Al₂O₃ substrates. The possibility of this inconsistence is discussed in terms of a possible error in surface temperature measurement.
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