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Vol.33, No.2, 158 ~ 166, 1995
Effect of Phosphorus on Recrystallization in Ti - Stabilized Extra Low Carbon Steels
장삼규Sam Kyu Chang, 박용범Yong Bum Park
Phosphorus as a strenthening element has been added in extra low carbon steels and proved to be quite effective. The investigation of its role in recrystatllization in the titanium stabilized extra low carbon steel is the main purpose in the present work. The addition of phosphorus in the titanium stabilized steel exhibited the serious retardation of recrystallization and the development of the strong {111} recrystallization texture even after annealing at 900℃ while the phosphorus free titanium steel revealed the distantlement of the {111} texture after 800℃. Phosphorus was then found to be a fairly effective element to inhibit originally the movement of dislocations during recovery and thus retard the formation of the subgrains leading to the development of the recrystallized grains.
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