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Vol.33, No.2, 149 ~ 158, 1995
Effect of the Heating Rate of Primary Recrystallization Annealing on Textures and Magnetic Properties of 3%Si - Fe Grain Oriented Silicon Steel
홍병득Byung Deug Hong, 우종수Jong Soo Woo, 권순주Soon Ju Kwon
Effects of the heating rate of primary recrystallization annealing on the textures and secondary recrystallization of 3% Si-Fe grain oriented silicon steels were studied. The heating rate was varied from 2.5℃/sec to 40℃ /sec. The higher the heating rate was, the finer microstructures was obtained in the primary recrystallized sheets. [110] pole intensity at the surface of primary recrystallized sheets became stronger as the heating rate increased whereas [222] intensity became weaker. As to the secondary recrystallization, the increased heating rates resulted in lower formation temperature and smaller grain size and, consequetly, larger scattering in the magnetic properties. In addition, 180˚domain wall spacing was widened due to the grain size as the heating rate decreased. Therefore, the effect of the tension was found to be more pronounced in the specimen treated with lower heating rate.
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